Thank you for being a reader

Thank you for being a reader

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for being a reader of this blog. It is a real passion of mine. I cannot express how wonderful it makes me feel to help promote legitimate science in the courtroom.   As I do every year, here is my tally for travel: In 2012, I […]

Just because you could doesn’t mean you should: lawyer Ethics in the Forensic Science case

Just because you could doesn’t mean you should: lawyer Ethics in the Forensic Science case

Quite honestly, I think that most criminal defense attorneys who handle cases are not substantively and truly competent to handle the case that they accept. That’s right over 50%. At first blush, I am sure that this assertion makes me seem like a pompous know-it-all and perhaps even a jerk, but that is not my […]

Loophole for Justice: Does a Combination of Prosecutorial Ignorance and Outsourcing of Forensic Services Matter?

Loophole for Justice: Does a Combination of Prosecutorial Ignorance and Outsourcing of Forensic Services Matter?

One of the alarming trends I am seeing locally and even nationally is the employing of third party vendor laboratories to do forensic analysis. While I think it is a good idea to remove the forensic analysis from law enforcement per the NAS report recommendations, I fear that it is also done, in part, for […]

How maintaining scientific justice is like establishing and maintaining a path in the darkest jungle

How maintaining scientific justice is like establishing and maintaining a path in the darkest jungle

One of my all time favorite books is Heart of Darkness written by Joseph Conrad. It is a short read but the combination of the first person narrative and the vivid imagery makes it unforgettable. The book is set in colonial times in Africa. The main character is a sailor by the name of Marlow. Marlow […]

Integration and the need for electronic data files

Integration and the need for electronic data files

Boss Tweed (pictured below) was a notorious political crime boss in New York. He had a quote that was attributed to him: “Remember the first rule of politics. The ballots don’t make the results, the counters make the results. The counters – keep counting.” This is also true in chromatography. We have written in this […]